Home Modification

An Occupational Therapist will collaborate with you and your family to create recommendations to modify your home. These modifications will work to decrease barriesrs in your home and allow for increased access, independence, and participation. Modifications can include changes made to bathrooms, kitchens, entryways, garages, etc. to make them more accessible to you or caregivers to individuals with disabilities.

Community Consultation

An Occupational Therapist will collaborate on projects related to accessibility for a variety of types of users and consider a multi-systems approach. Considerations include wheelchair access, sensory processing, hearing, vision, physical limitations, and more. Services are available across. all ages and types of spaces. These can include but are not limited to sensory room, library spaces, play spaces, and long-term care facilities.

Questions & Registration:

M Street believes in accessibility, inclusivity, and design for all. If there is a project that you would like to inquire about, we are more than happy to discuss with you. Please contact us at: info@mstreetpeds.com